March 24, 2010
happiness I've known
As sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
And happiness I've known proves that it's right
Because you're mine
I walk the line
And isn't it kind of funny how, mostly, happiness is so much more unspectacular than tragedy?
But here a little history lesson for the young folks...
I Walk The Line == Johnny Cash
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Because you're mine
I walk the line
I find it very, very easy to be true
I find myself alone when each day is through
Yes, I'll admit I'm a fool for you
Because you're mine
I walk the line
As sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
And happiness I've known proves that it's right
Because you're mine
I walk the line
You've got a way to keep me on your side
You give me cause for love that I can't hide
For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide
Because you're mine
I walk the line
Some men see things as they are and say why.
I dream things that never were and say why not.
Bobby Kennedy
Vladimir Kush: Descent To The Mediterranean
I am always aware that being a loving person
is the most direct path to peace and happiness in my own life.
Freydoon Rassouli: Soul's Journey
March 23, 2010
March 22, 2010
Lachen... ist was wunderbares, was heilsames.
Heute Nacht bin ich an meinem Lachen aufgewacht, ganz kurz. Früher ist mir das immer wieder passiert. Früher träumte ich viel. Früher träumte ich vom Fliegen. Früher war alles so viel...
Ach was. Jedenfalls ist es lange her, seit ich das letzte Mal im Schlaf gelacht habe und mich daran erinnern konnte. Sehr lange her.
Und ich bin sogar noch froh zu wissen, dass ich nicht einer von Denen bin, die über ihre eigene Witze lachen müssen. Ich weiss nicht mehr wehr mir was erzählt hat, doch ich kann mich daran erinnern, da war jemand der irgendwas gesagt hat.
Lachen ist was wunderbares. Und bei all den Problemen die ich gehabt habe und habe, ist es tröstlich zu wissen, dass wenigstens mein Unterbewusstsein wieder einen Weg gefunden hat, um lachen zu können. Nun muss ich noch einen Weg finden, mein Lachen in den nächsten Tag hinüber zu retten.
Michael Cheval: Dream Catcher
March 19, 2010
never lose it again
Tower Of Song == Leonard Cohen
My friends are gone and my hair is grey.
I ache in the places where I used to play.
And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on.
I'm just paying my rent every day in the tower of song.
I said to Hank Williams: “How lonely does it get?”
Hank Williams hasn't answered yet,
but I hear him coughing all night long,
a hundred floors above me in the tower of song.
I was born like this, I had no choice.
I was born with the gift of a golden voice,
and twenty-seven angels from the great beyond,
they tied me to this table right here in the tower of song.
So you can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll
- I'm very sorry, baby, doesn't look like me at all.
I'm standing by the window where the light is strong.
They don't let a woman kill you not in the tower of song.
Now you can say that I've grown bitter but of this you may be sure:
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor,
and there's a mighty judgement coming, but I may be wrong.
You see, you hear these funny voices in the tower of song.
I see you standing on the other side.
I don't know how the river got so wide.
I loved you, I loved you way back when -
And all the bridges are burning that we might have crossed,
but I feel so close to everything that we lost -
We'll never, we’ll never have to lose it again.
So I bid you farewell, I don't know when I'll be back.
They’re moving us tomorrow to that tower down the track.
But you'll be hearing from me, baby, long after I'm gone.
I'll be speaking to you sweetly from my window in the tower of song.
My friends are gone and my hair is grey.
I ache in the places where I used to play.
And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on.
I'm just paying my rent every day in the tower of song.
March 18, 2010
March 17, 2010
March 12, 2010
Hour of Power
Power & Glory == Lou Reed
I was visited by The Power and The Glory
I was visited by a majestic hymn
Great bolts of lightening
lighting up the sky
Electricity flowing through my veins
I was captured by a larger moment
I was seized by divinity's hot breath
Gorged like a lion on experience
Powerful from life
I wanted all of it--
Not some of it
I saw a man turn into a bird
I saw a man turn into a tiger
I saw a man hang from a cliff by the tips of his toes
in the jungles of the Amazon
I saw a man put a red hot needle through his eye
turn into a crow and fly through the trees
swalow hot coals and breathe out flames
and I wanted this to happen to me
We saw the moon vanish into his pocket
We saw the stars disappear from sight
We saw him walk across water into the sun
while bathed in eternal light
We spewed out questions waiting for answers
creating legends, religions and myths
Books, stories, movies and plays
all trying to explain this
I saw a great man turn into a little child
The cancer reduce him to dust
His voice growing weaker as he fought for his life
with a bravery few men know
I saw isotopes introduced into his lungs
trying to stop the cancerous spread
And it made me think of Leda and The Swan
and gold being made from lead
The same power that burned Hiroshima
causing three legged babies and death
Shrunk to the size of a nickel
to help him regain his breath
And I was struck by The Power and The Glory
I was visited by a majestic Him
Great bolts of lightening lighting up the sky
as the radiation flowed through him
He wanted all of it
Not some of it
a dawn so very dark
There Is A Kingdom == Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Just like a bird that sings up the sun
In a dawn so very dark
Such is my faith for you
Such is my faith
And all the world's darkness can't swallow up
A single spark
Such is my love for you
Such is my love
There is a kingdompr
There is a king
And he lives without
And he lives within
The starry heavens above me
The moral law within
So the world appears
So the world appears
This day so sweet
It will never come again
So the world appears
Through this mist of tears
There is a kingdom
There is a king
And he lives without
And he lives within
March 11, 2010
ha perfino sorriso
... accarezzandole il viso
Il Parco Della Luna == Lucio Dalla
Sono più di cent'anni
che al parco della luna,
arriva Sonny Boy,
coi cavalli di legno e la sua donna fortuna.
I denti di ferro e gli occhi neri
puntati nel cielo per capirne i misteri.
E' nato a Ferrara, anzi l'hanno trovato su un muro
E' pieno di segni e i muscoli corrono sulla sua pelle
Sonny Boy ha disegnato sulle braccia la mappa delle stelle
e di notte va a caccia, con il cavallo raccoglie chi si è perduto
Anch'io quante volte da bambino ho chiesto aiuto
Quante volte da solo mi sono perduto
quante volte ho pianto e sono caduto.
Guardando le stelle ho chiesto di capire,
come entrare nel mondo dei grandi senza paura,
paura di morire.
Come uno zingaro seduto sul muro,
gli occhi nel cielo puntati sul futuro.
Dei suoi mille figli non ricorda un viso,
ne ha avuto uno per coltello,
ha fatto un figlio per ogni nemico ucciso.
Sonny Boy non è cattivo, ha persino sorriso
guardando Fortuna, accarezzandole il viso.
Gli ho visti abbracciarsi come bimbi nel parco della luna
tutti e due con la valigia nella mano,
con l'aria di chi deve partire e andare lontano
oppure morire, in silenzio, sparire piano piano.
Sopra il loro cavallo di legno,
con la loro pelle scuranella mano.
Adesso Sonny boy e la sua donna fortuna,
saranno a metà strada tra Ferrara e la luna.
March 10, 2010
Es sind bald 2 Jahre her, seit der Bundespolizist mir mal sagte
Ich wünsche dir, dass du zumindest ein Wenig zur Ruhe kommen kannst.2 Jahre... 2 Jahre habe ich gabraucht, um nicht ununterbrochen auf 200 zu sein. Um wirklich ein ganz kleines Wenig Ruhe zu finden.
Ich bin immer noch den halben Tag am rotieren, die andere Hälfte am Blogs schreiben und die Ärzte am beschimpfen. Doch, zum ersten Mal, bin ich nicht die ganze Zeit mich am innerlich zerfressen. Zum ersten Mal schaffe ich es hin und wieder, 20 Minuten zu ruhen... zu leben... zu erleben. 2 Jahre.
Das Positive daran, ist das Positive darin. Es geht also irgendwie nicht nur noch in Richtung Mauer. Mit 300 pro Stunde in einem Go-Kart sitzend. Und... man soll doch die volle Hälfte des Glases wahrnehmen und beachten, habe ich mal gehört.
Sich etwas zu wünschen ist dennoch immer gut. Es ist wie das Träumen und das Lieben. Solange die Wünsche einen nicht kaputt machen, können sie das sein, woran ein Mensch wächst.
Und, in schlechten Zeiten, lernt der Mensch bescheiden zu sein...
Mahogany Wood == The Residents
I wish I was bigger
I wish I was tall
I wish I had houses
Instead of this hall
Somebody put me
Inside it one day
I know who it is
But he won't let me say
I wish I was something
I wish I was good
I wish I was made of
Mahogany wood
I wish I was something
I wish I was good
I wish I was made of
Mahogany wood
He looks at me sometimes
And sometimes he knocks
On doorways beside me
And sometimes he rocks
Me to sleep in a chair
For he knows that I need
Affection as much
As a cut needs to bleed
I wish I was something
I wish I was good
I wish I was made of
Mahogany wood
I wish I was something
I wish I was good
I wish I was made of
Mahogany wood
I wish I was something
I wish I was good
I wish I was made of
Mahogany wood
I wish I was something
I wish I was good
I wish I was made of
Mahogany wood
pling deeling pling pling
Ich sagte einmal, ein Flipper-Kasten hätte eine differenziertere Palette an Reaktionen, als was man in der Harten Klinik geboten hat.
Und hier, die Liebe zweier schweizer Künstler zum Flipper.
Den kann man nähmlich lieben, irgendwie...
Siehe auch die Posts
Nuancierungen und Divided Joy
im Blog "Are You Hearing Me?"
Pinball Cha Cha == Yello
In Lucy's Bar
Hey you gentlemen over there
Come on closer
See me play
The sensational game
It's the only thing I've got in my life
And I play it every day
And, well, believe it or not,
It's just... pinball
And for me it's
Claro Que Si
Claro Que Si
Come, come close to me
I tell you man you will see
I'm like happy tree
Come close and then you will see
Every ball for me's another game
For you this always looks the same
Every ball for me's another game
For you this always looks the same
Hey you, man you watch me
Might be right I am a fool
But man why don't you tell me
If you know a better tool
All the gates are lit
This is very good for me
It's like a kiss
Watch out man and you will see
Now all lights are on
Believe me man that I have won
I know for you this doesn't look a lot
For me this is the only thing I got
I really couldn't care less
If you take me a for a fool
I know you couldn't show me
Any better tool
Oy oy oy
I like my toy
Claro que si
Is yes for sure
Oy oy oy
I like my toy
A knack inside
I win another game
I press the button and it's not the same
March 9, 2010
burning love
Und dies, meine Heldin, ist wie meine Temperatur gestiegen ist, seit ich dich kennenlernte...
Burning Love == The Residents
The King & Eye RMX
Rat holen im Gespräch
Wieder einmal eine eher spannende und aufbauende Sternstunde.
"Hat die Zukunft eine Schweiz?"
Historiker David Gugerli im Gespräch mit Roger de Weck
«Die Schweiz kommt sich zunehmend abhanden», schrieb David Gugerli, Historiker an der ETH Zürich, kürzlich in einem aufsehenerregenden Essay für die NZZ. Die neue helvetische Malaise liege «im drohenden Verlust des politisch liberalen und sozialstaatlich korrigierten Projekts einer bundesstaatlichen Schweiz», sagt Gugerli. Nicht etwa die Schokoladenseite von Helvetia ist in Gefahr, ewig bleibt die Idylle der Kuhglocken und Alphornklänge. Aber die Zeiger der Luxusuhren stehen auf 5 vor 12, dringlich ist ein neues «Vorhaben Schweiz», aus dem auch ein neues Selbstbild hervorgehen wird.
Das Gespräch kann man - so wie viele andere Sendungen - auf dem Videoportal von SF als Podcast ansehen. Hier der Link zur Seite mit dem Video
Was mich berührt hat, war zuerst einmal die unglaubliche "schweizer" Ruhe und Gelassenheit von Herrn Guggerli. Sein pragmatisches Gespräch, über sehr Unpragmatisches. Die strategische Kommission der ETH war das Zweite. Ich stellte es mir als höchst spannend vor, mit Leuten von solchem Karat debattieren zu können. Und dazu noch schonungslos, ehrlich. Denn dies ist, wie der Interviewte viel besser als ich sagte, genau was uns heute fehlt. Eine schonungslose Debatte die aber aus konstruktiven Gründen geführt wird. Mit dem Gedanken, dadurch etwas für diese Welt beitragen zu möchten. Und den Nächsten dazu beitragen lassen.
Und eine Strategie fehlt seit der sexuellen Revolution. Die einzigen, die eine bewahren konnten sind entweder vom militärischen Machtdedanken getrieben oder vom religiösem Übereifer. Und natürlich, die jenigen die Business machen, die haben auch ihre Strategie, ist ja klar. Doch wo bleibt die Strategie der Weltbevölkerung? Wo will die Welt hin? Und... ganz genau: Zum Anfang ist die Frage mehr als legitim: Wo will die Schweiz hin?
Ich habe als Borderline so viel auf den Deckel bekommen. Und einerseits ist dies darauf zurück zu führen, dass ich — zumindest für den Aussenstehenden — keine erkennbare Strategie gehabt habe. Dass ich sehr wohl eine hatte und diese mit der Zeit auch gar nicht so schlecht funktionierte, ist eine andere Geschichte. Und die "Zwischenfälle" möchten denen recht geben, die dies genau umgekehrt zu deuten versuchen. Jedenfalls...
Wie viele Kopfnüsse wird denn wohl ein Staat wie die Schweiz bekommen müssen — die jeden Finanzminister der Welt zur Weissglut bringt, heute? Die beim Apartheid grundlegend mitgewirkt und dieses Kapitel nie aufarbeitet hat? Wie viel wird die Schweiz noch auf den Deckel bekommen, wenn sie sich keine Strategie zurecht legt? Ich behaupte, es werden noch Einiges sein.
Weiter geht es aber immer, irgendwie. Sei es mit Minarett-Initiativen und Pensionskassen-Verarschung der Allgemeinheit. Darum brauchen wir uns keine Gedanken zu machen. Weiter geht es immer. Sogar bei einem Borderliner.
Dennoch, denke ich es wäre langsam wieder an der Zeit, uns gescheide Ratgeber zuzulegen. Wir brauchen dabei bestimmt nicht in die Quatsch-Rituale der 70er zurück. Diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Dennoch wäre es eventuell nicht schlecht, dieser Aussage von Gugerli etwas Aufmehrsahmkeit zu schenken
Der beste Ratgeber ist das Vertrauen ins Gespräch, in die Auseinandersetzung, die offen, hart aber fair geführt wird.
Dazu kommt noch, dass schweigen Gift ist. Siehe den Post im Blog "Are You Hearing Me?". Doch, nicht weniger wichtig: Nicht zu schweigen sollte gelernt sein! Oder zumindest überlegt.
March 8, 2010
a woman's world
Zum Tag der Frau kann ich mich nur wiederholen.
Oder, respektive, sich Peter Gabriel wiederholen lassen.
Shaking The Tree == Peter Gabriel
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
Waiting your time, dreaming of a better life
Waiting your time, you're more than just a wife
You don't have to do what your mother has done
She has done
This is your life, this new life has begun
It's your day - a woman's day
It's your day - a woman's day
Turning the tide, you are on the incoming wave
Turning the tide, you know you are nobody's slave
[ 1989 version - Find your Brothers and sisters ]
[ 1990 version - Find your sisters and brothers ]
Who can hear all the truth in what you say
They can support you when you're on your way
It's your day - a woman's day
It's your day - a woman's day
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
[ extra lyrics from 1989 12" remix ]
There's nothing to gain when there's nothing to be lost
There's nothing to gain if you stay behind and count the cost
Make the decision that you can be who you can be
You can be
Tasting the fruit come to the Liberty Tree
It's your day - a woman's day
It's your day - a woman's day
[ end of extra lyrics from 12" remix ]
Changing your ways, changing those surrounding you
Changing your ways, more than any man can do
Open your heart, show him the anger and pain, so you heal
Maybe he's looking for his womanly side, let him feel
You had to be so strong
And you do nothing wrong
Nothing wrong at all
We're gonna to break it down
We have to shake it down
Shake it all around
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree
monday's prayer
Don't Be Cruel == The Residents
Formely performed by Elvis Presley
You know I can be found,
Sittin' home all alone.
If you can't come around,
At least please telephone.
a-Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.
Baby, if I a-made you mad,
For something I might have said,
Please, let's forget my past,
The future looks bright ahead.
a-Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.
I don't want no other love.
a-Baby, it's just you I'm thinkin' of.
Don't stop thinkin' of me,
a-Don't a-make me feel this way,
Come on over here and love me,
You know what I want a-you to say.
a-Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.
Why should we be apart?
I really love you baby, cross a-my heart.
Let's walk up to the preacher,
And let us say I do.
Then you'll know you'll have me,
And I'll know that I'll have you.
a-Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.
I don't want no other love.
a-Baby, it's just you I'm thinkin' of.
a-Don't be cruel (oo-oo-oo),
To a heart that's true.
Don't be cruel (oo-oo-oo),
To a heart that's true.
I don't want no other love.
a-Baby, it's just you I'm thinkin' of.
March 6, 2010
Oh! Lord
Lord Is It Mine == Roger Hodgson
Originally performed by Supertramp
I know that there's a reason why I need to be alone
You show me there's a silent place that I can call my own
Is it mine, Oh! Lord is it mine?
You know I get so weary from the battles in this life
and as many times it seems that you're the only hope in sight
Is it mine, Oh! Lord is it mine?
When everything's dark and nothing seems right,
there's nothing to win, and there's no need to fight
I never cease to wonder at the cruelty of this land
but it seems a time of sadness is a time to understand
Is it mine, Oh! Lord is it mine?
When everything's dark and nothing seems right,
You don't have to win, and there's no need to fight
If only I could find a way
to feel your sweetness through the day
The love that shines around me could be mine.
So give us an answer, won't you,
We know what we have to do,
There must be a thousand voices trying to get through.
casual gods
Im Flugzeug gibt es während starker Turbulenzen keine Atheisten.
Robert Lembke
Leider um so mehr, vor den Toren zum Paradies.
March 5, 2010
it mirrors
Das Spiegel == The Chemical Brothers
Ein Blick von mir in den Spiegel?
Auch wenn er mir zur Zeit nicht besonders gut gefällt: Ich kann damit leben. Schwarze Löcher, die den CERN-Wissenschaftlern Angst machen, sehe ich keine!
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"black holes & revelations" und "stolen glances"
im Blog "Are You Hearing Me?"
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