July 18, 2019

We Are the Temple

On the walls of Temple Edfu in Egypt:

We will keep building temples
until people recognize
they are the temple.
As reported by Freddy Silva

If so, it looks like this has never been the right place where we could be looking for heavenly realms:

Author unknown. And sorry for the stupid cat of the neighbor...

In a more recent past, this was the wrong kind of place we used:

Author unknown.

And nowadays some misled people seem to search for something in places like this (but this is a completely different story):

Author unknown. Epstein's Island.

More probably, this is where we could start our search:

Author unknown

Amazingly, the ancient Egyptians had numerous proverbs, that remind us of things we've forgotten since then:

If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge.
The key to all problems is the problem of consciousness.
The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is Nature.
True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which goes through successive stages.
All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in nature.
Man, know yourself... and you shalt know the gods.

Just to come back to modern days I'd like to point out that this ideas have also very much concerned the best and most ingenious scientists we still recognize today, so here's some of their thoughts:

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.
Max Planck

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein

Evolution of mankind is paralleled by the increase and expansion of consciousness.
Albert Hofmann

And now the question is, why don't we teach this at school, and why almost no research and funds are being invested into these aspects of the findings of our greatest scientists? Why are we only analyzing the physical and mathematical parts and do not even try to progress on this other path? And here we have to take into consideration the fact, that these observations are the ultimative results of the entire professional life of these gentlemen, which should lead to the conclusion that we're copying with the peak of their findings and not some quite negligible by-products.


July 14, 2019

AI is coming? It's fantastic!


AI is coming?  ==  Sadhguru

Well well...

My phone can do 10 PhDs in a day. It has that much information. [...] Now machines are coming and take away the power of your memory. This is a fantastic time! [...] Now and in future, the only thing that matters is what kind of a human being are you. [...] Because you're supposed to know how to be.

My View On Artificial Intelligence
Sadhguru | London Real

No comment.


July 11, 2019

The Great Awakening


No Geography  ==  The Chemical Brothers

If you ever change your mind about leaving it all behind
Remember, No geography
Me, you and me
Him and her and them too
And you and me too
I'll take you along, I'll take you along with me

No Geography? Eine Navigationshilfe kann in diesen Zeiten aber wirklich sehr sehr nützlich sein.
So, No Geography, except for THE MAP.

Bild von greatawakeningreport.com

The Great Awakening Report

Möchte man sich vertieft und umfassender über Q und The Great Awakening informieren, kann ich folgende Seite wärmstens empfehlen, sie ist so ziemlich das Umfassendste und Geordnetste was zur Zeit zur Verfügung steht, und es ist (im Gegensatz von z.B. WWG1WGA) politisch unabhängig und ungebunden:


wo man die Deep State Map von Q als PDF zum ansehen oder downloaden finden kann

oder das Kapitel "Programming", in dem Framing und Mass Mind Control erläutert werden und, als wichtiger nächster Schritt, weiter unten, eine ganze Sektion "Deprogramming" zu finden ist


Möchte man die ersten 6 Monate von Q lesen und dann die Welt mit neuen Augen sehen, oder vielleicht die aktuellen News mit Q's Expertise erweitern, dann kann man hier direkt den Q "Drops" folgen


(zu beginn sollte man sich Unterstützung von einem guten Kommentator wie z.B. Praying Medic oder Dustin Nemos holen)


July 1, 2019

From the East or from the West?


Das Gedächtnis von Wasser!
The memory of water!

Water and bad mood  ==  Sadhguru

If it comes from the west it's science, when it comes from the east it's superstition. That have to change.