January 26, 2011

the real masterplan

Diamonds And Pearls  ==  Prince

This will be the day
That u will hear me say
That I will never run away

I am here for u
Love is meant for two
Now tell me what u're gonna do

If I gave u diamonds and pearls
Would u be a happy boy or a girl
If I could I would give u the world
But all I can do is just offer u my love

Which one of us is right
If we always fight
Why can't we just let love decide (Let love decide)

Am I the weaker man
Because I understand
That love must be the master plan (Love is the master plan)

If I gave u diamonds and pearls
Would u be a happy boy or a girl
If I could I would give u the world
But all I can do is just offer u my love

D to the I to the A to the M
O to the N to the D to the pearls of love
D to the I to the A to the M (To the M)
O to the N to the D to the pearls of love

There will come a time (There will come a time)
When love will blow your mind (Blow your mind)
And everything U'll look 4 U'll find (Take a look inside)

That will be the time (That will be the time)
That everything will shine (Forever)
So bright it makes u colorblind (U will be color blind)

If I gave u diamonds and pearls
Would u be a happy boy or a girl
If I could I would give u the world
All I can do is just offer u my love

If I gave u diamonds and pearls (Pearls)
Would u be a happy boy or a girl (Yeah yeah)
If I could I would give u the world (Give u the world)
All I can do is just offer u my love (All I can do)

If I gave u diamonds and pearls (Diamonds)
Would u be, would u, would u
(Would ya, would ya, would ya be happy little baby)
A happy boy or a girl
If I could I would give u the world


January 21, 2011

ein weiterer Tag

Just Another Day  ==  Brian Eno

Oh it's just another day,
It's just another day on Earth

Oh it's just another day,
Just another day,
It's just another day on Earth

Oh it's just another day on Earth
It's just another day on Earth

One day, we will put it all behind,
We'll say, that was just another time,
We'll say, that was just another day on Earth

We'll say, that was just another time,
One day, we will put it all behind,
We'll say, that was just another day on Earth

Just another day,
It's just another day,
Oh it's just another day on Earth

It's just another day on Earth

Ein weiterer Tag, auf dem Weg zu dem einen Tag.
Eines Tages, meine Prinzessin, eines Tages...

January 19, 2011

des Meisters Feuer

Man hat Salvador Dalì gefragt
Sie stehen alleine im Louvre, das lichterloh brennt.
Was tun Sie?
Als grosser Meister, den er nun mal ist, antwortet er
Ich rette das Feuer!

Hoffentlich wird das Louvre niemals brennen!
Ich habe Salvador Dalì schon als Jugendlicher geliebt, ja vielleicht schon als Kind. Sein Museum in Figueras ist eines dieser Museen die ich nicht nur besucht habe, sondern erlebt. Die angemessene Antwort auf alle "Disney Worlds" dieser Welt! Nichts gegen Walt Disney — ausser der Tatsache, dass er ein verdammter Rassist und Nazi war. Aber dies ist eine andere Geschichte...

Bild von Salvador Dalì

Ich sah auf Arte den Film von Otto Kelmer "Die geheime Sammlung von Salvador Dalì". Arte, das zusammen mit 3Sat, ZDF, SF und einigen anderen Sendern, immer wieder den Beweis erbringt, im Fernsehen strahle man nicht nur Müll aus. Würde ich in Italien leben, hätte ich in diesen Jahren ohne Lektüre ein echtes Problem gehabt. Aber dies ist eine andere Geschichte. Zurück zum Film: Ein Kunstwerk, dieser Film. So wie das Sujet sowohl ein Gesamt-Kunstwerk gewesen ist, und Erschaffer unzähliger Kunstwerke. Es lebe Salvador Dalìs Feuer!

Hier unten eines der ersten Bilder die ich in Zusammenhang mit meinen Blogs ins Netz stellte. Das Sinnbild davon, wie sich meine Geschichte in der Psychiatrie mit der eines Arztes verstrickte, der mich zu aufhalten versuchte. Der das Leben aufzuhalten versuchte. Irgendwo, auf einem Elefanten, die Junge Dame. Spannend, wie das selbe Bild auch zu einem Schlussel-Erlebniss der Hauptfigur im Film führte, in Bezug auf Salvador Dalì.

Bild von Salvador Dalì

Siehe auch den hier verlinkten Post "Feuer und Flamme"

January 18, 2011

das Wollen

O Quereres  ==  Caetano Veloso

Onde queres revólver, sou coqueiro
E onde queres dinheiro, sou paixão
Onde queres descanso, sou desejo
E onde sou só desejo, queres não
E onde não queres nada, nada falta
E onde voas bem alta, eu sou o chão
E onde pisas o chão, minha alma salta
E ganha liberdade na amplidão

Onde queres família, sou maluco
E onde queres romântico, burguês
Onde queres Leblon, sou Pernambuco
E onde queres eunuco, garanhão
Onde queres o sim e o não, talvez
E onde vês, eu não vislumbro razão
Onde o queres o lobo, eu sou o irmão
E onde queres cowboy, eu sou chinês

Ah! bruta flor do querer
Ah! bruta flor, bruta flor

Onde queres o ato, eu sou o espírito
E onde queres ternura, eu sou tesão
Onde queres o livre, decassílabo
E onde buscas o anjo, sou mulher
Onde queres prazer, sou o que dói
E onde queres tortura, mansidão
Onde queres um lar, revolução
E onde queres bandido, sou herói

Eu queria querer-te amar o amor
Construir-nos dulcíssima prisão
Encontrar a mais justa adequação
Tudo métrica e rima e nunca dor
Mas a vida é real e de viés
E vê só que cilada o amor me armou
Eu te quero (e não queres) como sou
Não te quero (e não queres) como és

Ah! bruta flor do querer
Ah! bruta flor, bruta flor

Onde queres comício, flipper-vídeo
E onde queres romance, rock’n roll
Onde queres a lua, eu sou o sol
E onde a pura natura, o inseticídio
Onde queres mistério, eu sou a luz
E onde queres um canto, o mundo inteiro
Onde queres quaresma, fevereiro
E onde queres coqueiro, eu sou obus

O quereres e o estares sempre a fim
Do que em mim é de mim tão desigual
Faz-me querer-te bem, querer-te mal
Bem a ti, mal ao quereres assim
Infinitivamente pessoal
E eu querendo querer-te sem ter fim
E, querendo-te, aprender o total
Do querer que há e do que não há em mim