May 11, 2010

dritto fino al mattino

L'Isola Che Non C'è  ==  Edoardo Bennato

Seconda stella a destra,
questo è il cammino
e poi dritto fino al mattino
poi la strada la trovi da te:
porta all'isola che non c'è.

Forse questo ti sembrerà strano
ma la ragione
ti ha un po' preso la mano
ed ora sei quasi convinto che
non pu+ esistere un'isola che non c'è.

E a pensarci, che pazzia
è una favola, è solo fantasia
e chi è saggio, chi è maturo lo sa:
non può esistere nella realtà!
Son d'accordo con voi
non esiste una terra
dove non ci son santi né eroi
e se non ci son ladri
se non c'è mai la guerra
forse è proprio l'Isola
che non c'è...che non c'è...

E non è un'invezione
e neanche un gioco di parole
se ci credi ti basta perché
poi la strada la trovi da te...
Son d'accordo con voi
niente ladri e gendarmi
ma che razza di isola è?!
Niente odio e violenza,
né soldati né armi
forse è proprio l'Isola
che non c'è...che non c'è...

Seconda stella a destra
questo è il cammino
e poi dritto fino al mattino
non ti puoi sbagliare perché
quella è l'Isola che non c'è!
E ti prendono in giro
se continui a cercarla
ma non darti per vinto perché
chi ci ha già rinunciato
e ti ride alle spalle
forse è ancora più pazzo di te!


May 5, 2010

more or less synched up

Wie viele Male, in den letzten Jahren? Wie viele Male hatte ich Menschen vor mir und sah, wie sich ihre Lippen bewegten? Ich sah, wie sie zu mir sprachen, ich hörte die Laute die sie von sich gaben und ich verstand diese Laute auch. Doch, wie viele Male hatte ich das Gefühl, diese Laute würden gar nicht aus diesen Menschen kommen? Wie oft habe ich gedacht "Die Hülle die vor mir steht ist nicht die, die gerade zu mir spricht"? "Diese Laute, diese Gedanken, diese Welten, stammen aus einer anderen Hülle. Die durch diese Hülle, die hier vor mir steht, spricht. Wie in einem schlecht synchronisierten Film...

Call me seek, if you'd like.
If it helps you.

Aber wenn du das durchgemacht hättest, was ich am durchmachen bin, würdest du vielleicht etwas behutsamer mit deinem Urteil umgehen. Und vielleicht könntest du dann auch eher etwas von deiner eigenen Stimme hören, von ihrer Poesie.

And you may.
Realize how.
Paradise is where you.
Arrived now.
Only much much.

Language Is A Virus  ==  Laurie Anderson

Is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much

I saw this guy on the train
And he seemed to gave gotten stuck
In one of those abstract trances.
And he was going: "Ugh...Ugh...Ugh..."

And Fred said:
"I think he's in some kind of pain.
I think it's a pain cry."
And I said: "Pain cry?
Then language is a virus."

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

Well I was talking to a friend
And I was saying:
I wanted you.
And I was looking for you.
But I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you.
And he said: Hey!
Are you talking to me?
Or are you just practicing
For one of those performances of yours?

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

He said: I had to write that letter to your
And I had to tell the judge that it was you.
And I had to sell the car and go to Florida.
Because that's just my way of saying
(It's a charm.)
That I love you. And I
(It's a job.)
Had to call you at the crack of dawn
And list the times that I've been wrong.
Cause that's just my way of saying
That I'm sorry.
(It's a job.)

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

Is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much
(It's a shipwreck,)
(It's a job.)

You know? I don't believe there's such
a thing as TV. I mean -
They just keep showing you
The same pictures over and over.
And when they talk they just make sounds
That more or less synch up
With their lips.
That's what I think!

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

Well I dreamed there was an island
That rose up from the sea.
And everybody on the island
Was somebody from TV.
And there was a beautiful view
But nobody could see.
Cause everybody on the island
Was saying: Look at me! Look at me!
Look at me! Look at me!

Because they all lived on an island
That rose up from the sea.
And everybody on the island
Was somebody from TV.
And there was a beautiful view
But nobody could see.
Cause everybody on the island
Was saying: Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!
Look at me! Look at me! Why?

Paradise is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much better.


April 30, 2010


Deine Augen sagen mir, du schaffst es garantiert bis ans Meer.
Sie erzählen mir, du wirst in der Lage sein Berge zu versetzen.
Wenn du es möchtest, die ganze Insel Capri.
Dies und so viel mehr kann ich hören, sehen, lesen, ahnen, riechen, berühren, schmecken, bewundern... an deinen Augen.

Bild: Magatt Picture Art

Wenn du magst, werde ich deine Augen — und alles was sie mir offenbart haben — empor halten. Und dich natürlich auch, meine Heldin.

Capri Calling  ==  Yello feat. Billy Mackenzie

It`s the time
Of April snows
And how it shows
In Hannah`s eyes

Calling she`s calling
Calling each midnight
Take me to new heights
Falling I`m falling
A secret power
Sweet with surprises
Leaves no disguises
When you feel pure

Until I`m yours
Until I`m yours
Until I`m yours

It`s the time
Of April snows
And how it shows
In Hannah`s eyes

Time and she`s all
A pool of thought
I sometimes call
In Hannah`s eyes

April 28, 2010

feeling to make it happen

My Princess, let me introduce a litte thought from His Devoted Frogness, hoping and awaiting to scream and possibly dance a symphony toghether with you.

For me, this is one of the (well I have a bulk of such songs and clips, but still...) very best video-clips ever.

Maybe I've got a couple of clips I like. But I have, in this very moment, one very Princess. And I feel how it's not impossible, this feeling could last for the very rest of my life.

Let Forever Be  ==  The Chemical Brothers
Featuring: Noel Gallagher of Oasis
Director: Michel Gondry

How does it feel like,
to wake up in the sun?
How does it feel like,
to shine on everyone?
How does it feel like,
to let forever be?
How does it feel like,
to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

Scream a symphony.

How does it feel like,
to sail in on the breeze?
How does it feel like,
to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

Scream a symphony.

How does it feel like,
to make it happen here?
How does it feel like,
to breathe with everything?
How does it feel like,
to let forever be?
How does it feel like,
to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

Scream a symphony.

How does it feel like,
to be a crystalline?
How does it feel like,
to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

Scream a symphony.